Let’s get started

Ifa consultations generate an overview of the current life situation/question, with a focus on achieving deeper insight into a person’s overall destiny.

One need not wait for a problem to arise to seek the solution.

There are a few types, so take a look at the options and choose the one that best suits your needs.

If setting a firm time for a consultation is inconvenient, you can also have a recorded reading, which is just as effective as any other consultation.

Quick disclaimer on the nature of spiritual consultations

Oba Ifagbemi is not a psychic or spirit medium. Ifa is a pragmatic spiritual science and study of how things come into existence codified a millennia ago by Orunmila Bara Agboniregun (spirit of destiny). It is revealed to Babalawos or Iyanifas in the form of what we call “odu” (oh-dew). There are 256 such possible combinations (odu) which can occur when we consult Ifa. Odu is sometimes referred to as the womb, dark matter consciousness, or that which is unseen. This detailed and pointed study of nature through unveiling and interpreting various signs and symbols contained in allegory is what we call Ifa, or the wisdom of nature. Kabiessi Ifagbemi is sought after and known for his insight and advice, which he gives based on the study of the world through the lens of traditional and modern day West African cosmology, and related through his multi-cultural perspective.